2.0 Nestor and the Missing Gift

Alright it’s been awhile since this has been updated, but I’ve finished playing this generation, so now all I have to do is post it. Last time there was a heir poll, and Beryl was voted to continue this OWBC into the next generation, which means Gen 2 starts now!

As a refresher, Beryl is Grumpy, Genius, Technophobe, Dog Person, and Eco-Friendly with a lifetime wish of World Renowned Surgeon. So Beryl, how does it feel to be the chosen heiress for the family?
Beryl: *glares* “I’m working my ass off, that abomination called a tv is on, and you made me take a taxi! How do you think I’m feeling?!”

Off to a good start I see, Beryl is absolutely miserable.

Halite: “So many flamingoes to chose from… And I’m going to knock all of them down!!”
If you do that, I will make you pick them up in the morning.
Halite: “Fine, I’ll go easy on you, this time.”

Beryl being one of the oldest has a ton a younger siblings, and thanks to the challenges I chose, I have to complete ALL of their lifetime wishes, as a result it may be a bit before Beryl has kids, but I’m going to try and get through all of that as soon as I can. First off is Orthoclase becoming a young adult! I’ll admit, Ortho is one of my favourite kids, but his lifetime wish is really easy to complete, so I can kick him out fairly quickly.

Orthoclase adds the trait Socially Awkward to Good, Loves the Outdoors, Supernatural Fan, and Eccentric. His lifetime wish is The Zoologist, which is already mostly complete. I think.

His safety goggles went all funny for some reason, I don’t think they were like that when he was a teenager.

First order of business is to get his lifetime wish done.
Ortho: “Aren’t you just the sweetest, so colourful. You may not be the flying sea monster I was looking for, but you’ll do.”

Ortho: “Look at how nice and behaved you are, I’m going to take you home!”
*sells parrot almost immediately*

Barite, who is Beryl’s twin brother for those that need a reminder, is working on his lifetime wish of Professional Author. His traits are Loves the Heat, Hates the Outdoors, Never Nude, Socially Awkward, and Loves to Swim.

Opal, the lovely founder to this challenge, is out and about collecting gems, this family is saving up so I can build them a nice new house. If you’re wondering why she’s standing in front of a tree…

There’s a gem under it! She was perfectly able to collect it, unlike the gems in rocks, cause logic.

As the new heiress Beryl now has to try and get abducted by aliens to complete my chosen goals (all heirs and heiresses have to get abducted).

Ortho had a shrew in his pocket which escaped, and it’s recapture completed Ortho’s lifetime wish!

Ortho: Oh my wonderful fairy princess, will you marry me?”
Joey: “Of course my knight in shining armour!”

These two then get married and Ortho moves in with Joey and her family. I just love these two as a couple.

I may have ended up pollinating Joey with Ortho’s kid.

While I may have gotten rid of a sim, I also added one to the family.

Beryl’s boyfriend (now husband) is not only older than her, but also has a lifetime wish to complete, so I moved him in.

Meet the new Nestor St. Claire, he’s Shy, Neat, Good, Perceptive, Frugal, and has a lifetime wish of Pervasive Private Eye. He’s also 5 days away from being an adult…

Halite: *gurgles*
Vanadinite: “MY DRESS!!!”
Ah, the joys have having over half a dozen moody teens in the house.

Azurite: “I have seen things.”
Maybe you shouldn’t have gone into your parents bedroom for no reason!
Azurite: “My life will never be the same.”

Opal: “Oh Buck, I know things between us haven’t always been smooth, but meeting you was one of the best days of my life, I don’t regret it for a second.”
Buck: “I may have two other kids I abandoned the moment I met you, but I’m so glad you put up with my idiotic stunts over the years.”
Nestor: “This is a sweet moment and all, but I kind of need to get to the fridge if you don’t mind.”

Opal: “You know what, I’ve decided it’s no longer my responsibility to fix this crap.”
It can’t be fixed until noon anyway.

But there are still birthdays to be had, so a water feature birthday party it is!

Omphacite adds Inappropriate to Hydrophobic, Athletic, Night Owl, and Diva. His lifetime wish is Master Acrobat.

Olivine adds Good Sense of Humor to Hydrophobic, Hates the Outdoors, Over Emotional, and Natural Cook. Her lifetime wish is Culinary Librarian, which is another one which should be fairly easy to complete.

The computer at home was broken (like the sink & the dishwasher), so Omph had to go to the library in order to get a job as an acrobat.

While Olivine is at the library for the skill boost as she reads cooking books.

Beryl is also there for the same reason as Olivine, but she’s reading about logic instead.

Nestor got a job as a private investigator and is now on his first case!

He has to go through Zeph’s trash cause some lady thinks he’s a criminal… Somehow I don’t think that’s very likely.

Acrobats can get promotions from improving the athletic skill, so that’s what Omphacite is focusing on. When he maxes the skill he’ll start performing for tips and getting gigs.

Vanadinite: “It’s the middle of winter, put on a shirt.”
Omphacite: “And cover up this fabulousness?! I think not.”
Vanadinite: “Fine the, go freeze your fabulous ass off!”
Omphacite: “So you agree that my ass is fabulous?”
Vanadinite: *sputters* “THAT’S NOT MY POINT!!!”

Halite then got asked to prom by someone! This doesn’t happen to my sims often, so of course I said yes. (The last time this happened to me, a teen got asked by the boy that used to babysit her when she was a toddler)

Olivine is now steadily getting through the various recipe books from the bookstore.

Beryl has maxed logic, so all she has to do for her lifetime wish is go to work.

And Olivine has now learned enough recipes to complete her lifetime wish! I’ll probably wait till a couple others complete their lifetime wishes before I move her out (so they can all move out together).

Omphacite is too fatigued to work out, so he’s been getting some gigs.
Proprietor: “That is impressive, especially in this temperature.”

Looks like lots of things are being achieved this post, Buck has now also completed his lifetime wish of being a Rock Star! Good thing too, he’s fast approaching 90 days old.

Um, what is a maid doing at the festival? Shouldn’t she be working or something?

Geez, the front yard looks like a war zone with all the destroyed snowmen and snow angels… I’m going to blame Halite for most of this damage.

With nothing better to do, Olivine is currently the house chef, it takes a lot of food to feed this family.

Prom time for the quads! (And Malachite)

Malachite did go to prom, despite not apparently doing anything noteworthy there.

Omphacite: “Lady, get off my stage!! I’ve got a show to perform and you’re ruining my vibe!!”

Omphacite: “About time! Now I can get on with the performance of your life!”

Buck had just hit 90 days old when he died.

Beryl and Olivine were the only ones that really bothered to mourn him (Apparently one of the outhouses is broken too).

Buck: “Please! I’m not ready to leave my wife!”
Grim Reaper: “Well you’ve already done it once, I figured it wouldn’t be a big deal the second time. See ya!”

Lady: “OH. THE PAIN!”
Observers: “Is there a doctor anywhere!?!?”

Beryl: “Why does this crap happen to me everywhere I go now?”

While everyone was at the festival I rebuilt the house! You’ll notice there’s no windows.

This is why.

The bedrooms are a little on the sparse side in terms of decoration.

The ground floor is a little more furnished. That dark space is the room with a hidden door (as per one of my goals), you’ll get to see what’s in there later.

Van’s lifetime wish is Super Popular, and the easiest way to complete that is for her to throw a bunch of parties.

So gift giving party it is! (There’s no shortage of room for the present pile) Barite is very happy to see his girlfriend.

This guy immediately started dancing on the counter tops. *face palm* It’s not that kind of party dude.

Van’s RI from prom was also invited. Also I’m pretty sure this is one of Galena’s first appearances this chapter and it’s almost over.
Galena: “Damn it! Why do I get no screen time?”
If it makes you feel better, I don’t think Malachite has appeared at all yet.
Galena: “At least I’m not the only forgotten one.”

There’s no chairs, so everyone ends up in a circle on the floor.

Look at that, there’s Malachite (You can’t even see his face).

He got a lamp (Which was promptly sold (they are so broke)).

Olivine: “My turn!”
Galena: “And here I am again, sitting in the background.”

And it’s a useless gift that sells for very little.

Honestly, I would enjoy getting a stuffed toy… Actually I think this ends up in her eldest child’s bedroom.

Um, what??? There was nothing in the family inventory. Congratulations Omphacite, you got a glitch.

I’m not entirely sure when since I didn’t write it down, but at some point Omphacite mastered the athletic skill.

And that’s all for now folks, I’m pretty sure next chapter I’m able to kick out most of the siblings and there’ll be gen 3 babies (I think)!

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